Government Code §411.209: LTC Holders Carrying Handguns on a Government-Owned or Government-Leased Property
Government Code §411.209 governs the complaint of license holders to file with the Texas Attorney General’s Office against government entities as it relates to posting signs.
- The section provides that a state agency or political subdivision of this state may not take any action to prohibit a LTC holder from the lawful carrying of a handgun on the premises or other place owned or leased by that government authority unless the LTC holder is prohibited from carrying a handgun on the premises or other place by Penal Code §46.03 or other law.
- The state agency or political subdivision may not post signage and other notice that prohibits the carry of a handgun.
A resident of this state or a person licensed to carry a handgun under this subchapter may file a complaint with the attorney general that a state agency or political subdivision is in violation of §411.209(a) if the resident or LTC holder provides the agency or subdivision a written notice that describes:
- the location and…
- general facts of the violation and…
- the agency or subdivision does not cure the violation before the end of the third business day after the date of receiving the written notice.
A complaint filed with the attorney general under this subsection must include evidence of the violation and a copy of the written notice provided to the agency or subdivision.
For more information regarding the complaint process, visit the Texas Attorney General website.