Sighting-In a Rifle
Rifle bullets don’t travel in a straight line. They travel in an arc, formed by the pull of gravity.
- “Sighting-in” is a process of adjusting the sights to hit a target at a specific range. Deer hunters, for example, often sight-in their rifles to hit the bull’s-eye at 100 yards.
- All rifles should be sighted-in before every hunt using the ammunition you plan to use, especially rifles with peep or telescopic sights. Guns you sighted-in prior to your last outing could have been knocked out of alignment by a single jolt. That misalignment could mean the difference between a successful hunt and a disappointing experience.
- Other than ensuring accurate shots, sighting-in a rifle has other advantages:
- Forces you to practice
- Makes accurate shooting possible
- Helps identify problems with your firing technique
- Helps determine the farthest range at which you can hit your target
- Improves safety by helping you know where your rifle will fire
- Builds confidence in your shooting ability

Even though you see the sights and the target in a straight line, rifle bullets don't travel in a straight line.