Knowing Prohibited Locations

In Iowa, it is always illegal, even with a valid permit, to carry a handgun concealed or openly in the following locations.
- In a building that is owned or directly controlled by a city and is posted with signs prohibiting handguns
- In any courthouse located in Iowa
- In a state or federal government building unless:
- You are in the capitol building or on the grounds surrounding the capitol building, including state parking lots and parking garages, and...
- The handgun is concealed and...
- You have a valid Permit to Carry Weapons
- In, on, or within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school
- On the campus of any state university, or at or during any state university–authorized event
- On a school bus
- In or on the real property comprising a public park unless you are in a portion of a public park designated as a hunting area under Iowa Code Section 461A.42
- In a casino without written permission from the administrator
- On the state fair grounds